The newly appointed president of the Lebanon Investment Development Authority (IDAL) has declared that the country is open to new business.

During a panel session at the Arab Entrepreneurs and Investors Conference (ABIC) in Bahrain, said “You can sell human resources, Lebanese talent, Lebanese entrepreneurship. Lebanon is an outsourcing center for technology companies and there are several success stories.”

Entrepreneurs in Lebanon who operate from the system of their own homes and semiconductor manufacturers and sellers on Facebook and Google and major technology companies.

“For those who open an outsourcing company in Lebanon and hire engineers and software engineers and graphic designers that cost much less than they cost in India and China, we are not talking about Europe or the United States.

“I think this is a very good business proposal because it is designed products for the seller abroad.Lebanon is going through a kind of 4.0 revolution in itself. This is not a revolution on politics, this is not a revolution on social inclusion, it is not even a revolution on economic empowerment. This is a revolution on meters with the generation of social networks. A revolution that began with a 20 cent tax on WhatsApp and triggered complications an incredible scandal that began among young people and then spread and now, the greatest demand of the revolution, is about corruption, access to data, access to information and it’s about getting money back that people think was mismanaged or spent in the wrong places. ”

He added: “I think there is recognition between the political class and all leaders in Lebanon have emerged”